Thursday, December 16, 2010

I’d Like To make Myself Believe

from yesterday..14.12 until the end..( i really2 hope so)..i must to believe that when somethings does not the end of the day..we must to keep moving n keep on trying to adapt with the situation..

but when i have already comfortable with it..its hard to make change again..n there is someone who keep on trying..(my ♥) i believe that i should give him n myself another chance..Cause Everything Is Never As It Seems..

i just wanna to say that..♥ what u have, n try to appreciate it..

( x taw npe nk speaking lak post kali ni..trabur pon trabur lh..ak phm..korg? phm2 je lh sndri ek.sori for the mistake above..huhu..:)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

You’d Think me Rude

haa..gns x title tok kali nh..nmpk cm nk cr gduh je kn..haha..x lr..sbnr ye nh slh stu pnceritaan ttg diri ak..nk share ngn korg..nk share jgk..x nk smpn n explain kt sorg2 g dh..huhu
nk taw..spnjg ak dok blaja kt u, sem 3..deg..ramai gle tegur ak kot..asl x syum..asl x syum..dip dlu x de r sllu kene tgur bab ni sgt..p seingat ak ad jgk. p tu 1 pkara yg subjektif lh klu nk dgmbr kn..rimas oo..tiap kali org pndg, jeling, usha..sume kate ak serius..(btul ke?)

pnt3..ttekan, tension..p kdg x bik port pon..)for me..wajah yg gmbra x dpt smbunyikan hati yg hati yg gmbira dpt dgambarkn di wajah yg hati penting ke muke?..(hati lh..kalbu kitakn..). ak taw ak x perfect..kdg ble kite byk keje, tkejar sne sini, crik org, deal ngn org lg2 ak ad tgjwb sem3 lps..lg lh ak pnt..smpi nk syum pon lupe..
kpd org yg tgur tu, ak taw diorg concern ngn ak..thx syg..haha..diorg cme nk ak syum..p ak jeling n mrh diorg blik..haha..pdn muke..p dh lame2 ak myesal n rse nk mntx maaf kt spe yg trase ak ad wt cmni kt sorry..plz forgive me!!..( x taw nk sorok muke dh..he..)..p klu lh ak wt lg..mmg ak x reti insaf lh mkne ye kn..

kpd sume..maaf dipinta klu wjh ku mgambar kn ciri2 yg sombong..smpi yg yg mgate ak blkg2..x pe lh..ak maafkn korg..korg maaf kn ak jgk ek..0-0..reset..kdg or sllu muke ak serius..ak x de prsn ppe pon sbnr ye..p korg pk ak mrh..x weh..n ad kate ak sombong..serius..ak x psn korg..klu dr jauh..muke korg pn ak x nmpk, korg pndg ak ke speky actually..p x mo pki..-r..i..m..a..s..-

x slh nk brubah kpd sesuatu yg baek kn..p ak try nk syum je lh pas kate, senyum adlh ubt trmurah..yeke..huhu..ok..ak akn ambk ubt murah nh sllu..hrp2 pnykit' ak nh smbuh kn..haha..
orite..lega..dh pt cite..nk diulang lg skali..SAYA TAK SOMBONG..nice to know n friend with u guys..



assalammualaikum..hye..hey...ellow..n welcome to all my visitors..huhu ;)
pertama skali ak nk ucapkan tahniah n syabas kpd siti hajar atan ( ak le tu) krn bjaye hasil kn blog ni..yeyeyey!wa..berat sgguh nk mule bblog nh..mklum lh..ak bkn rjin, nk perah otak yg bselirat n byk ak dh try isolate sume2 tu..nah! sy dh adew..taraa..~
wlpn x sebest , x seupdate, x setechnical, cntix..n....(ak rendah diri nh) bloger laen, i will try my best to create my blog..

huhu..ak target n niat nk tlis kt blog nh 3bln skali..haha..ok x..p klu ak x pt gk wt ..mkne ye ak kejam kt blog ak sndiri...(hajar blh!..hajar blh!)..saje target rendah cz tkut 3bln pon ak x sentuh..p uolls wait n see..sbrapa rjin ku bblog n post kt cni akhirnye nnt..

urm..tok intro ckup r tkat nh kn..haahaha..urm..ehem..dgn ini..dgn lafaz bismillahirrohmanirrohim..ak merasmikan blog ni..♥♥♥